Breakfast - Miscellania / Anchor
Day tacos - Naty's
Pastor tacos - Ivan
Meat tacos - Toño
Carnitas - Pietros
Pizza/ Italian - Rustica
Popsicles - Wa-ki-ka
Mexican - Itacate or Mary's
Fish tacos - Matiz
Seafood - Barracuda
Classic Food- Don Pedros
Thai - Achara
Pizza - Venezia
Food - Tropical House
Bakery - Paris Delice
Breakfast - Bonita
Coffee - El Fortin
Ceviche - Estrella Del Mar
Beach - Campion food truck
Dance / Party
Private Beach Club
Punta Sayulita
50$/ person against food & drink
San Pancho
Restaurant - Limbo
Pizza - Punte Pizza
Tamales - in front on Kiosko
Punta Mita
Lunch - Makai (seafood)
Festive - deMita (formerly si señor)
Surf rental - Lanazul
Farmers Market
Nov- April
10am - 2pm
Favorite Beach
Best Margarita - Le Zouave
Best Shop - Pachamama
R2byRoss - Revolucion 57
All kiosks on Calle Delfin
Home Goods
Revolution del Sueño
Evoke the Spirit
Tierra Huichol (Huichol beaded items)
Hippie market (Pom poms!)
Nakawe Trading
Food Markets
Alas Blancas - general store with great selection
Mi Tiendita - general store with great selection
Terrenal - upscale organic market with food, vitamins etc...
For incredibly in depth reviews of various restaurants and dining options, please visit Kien Lam's blog, Where and Wander